20 research outputs found


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    Era globalisasi dan perkembangan teknologi saat ini semakin membuat ketat regulasi pemerintah tentang konsumsi bahan bakar kendaraan, hal ini menuntut produsen otomotif memutar pikiran agar kendaraan yang dibuat dapat memenuhi regulasi tersebut. Salah satu upaya yang dapat ditempuh untuk menghemat konsumsi bahan bakar yaitu adalah penggunaan material frame chassis kendaraan yang ringan. Pada saat ini kompositlah yang digadang-gadang menjadi material yang mampu menggantikan peran logam sebagai material utama pada frame chassis kendaraan, namun disisi lain komposit murni memiliki kelemahan pada ketahanannya terhadap beban kejut (shock load) yang rendah, meskipun terdapat beberapa super car yang menggunakan komposit murni sebagai frame chassis, hal tersebut tentu memerlukan biaya produksi yang tidak murah karena serat dan resin komposit yang digunakan merupakan jenis tertentu dengan biaya pembuatan yang mahal. Oleh karena itu komposit perlu dikombinasikan dengan bahan lain seperti aluminium menggunakan metode Fibre Metal Laminate (FML) untuk memperbaiki kelemahan tersebut dengan biaya ekonomis. Pada penelitian ini serat yang digunakan merupakan kombinasi antara serat carbon dan serat rami (hybrid) yang dilaminasi logam sheet metal aluminium Al 6061 dengan fraksi volume serat 35% dan 45% pada setiap arah orientasi serat rami 900, 450, dan 00 yang diuji kekuatan kejutnya menggunakan pengujian impak. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan (1) Fraksi volume berpengaruh terhadap impak komposit hibrid fibre metal laminate (FML), dengan hasil terbesar terletak pada variasi fraksi volume 45% yang memiliki kekuatan impak sebesar 0,068592 J/mm² (2) Arah orientasi serat rami berpengaruh terhadap kekuatan impak komposit FML, dengan hasil terbesar terletak pada arah orientasi serat rami 00 yang menghasilkan nilai kekuatan impak sebesar 0,072819 J/mm². Kata Kunci: Frame Chassis, Fibre Metal Laminate (FML), Komposit, Serat Rami


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    AbstractVacuum infusion is a method of making composite materials by using a vacuum pump to drain and spread the resin in molding. Vacuum infusion can strengthen the mechanical properties of a composite material because the manufacturing process is given a negative pressure which makes the resin or matrix permeate better than the hand lay-up method. Vacuum infusion composites can be used as the main ingredient of a vehicle body due to its strong, flexible nature in its form and manufacture so that it can be shaped as desired. This study examines the effect of vacuum pump pressure on two mechanical properties (impact and bending) of a carbon fiber composite material given an epoxy matrix. The results of this study get an increase in strength of mechanical properties with added vacuum pump pressure.Keywords : carbon fiber, composite, increase in strength, mechanical properties, Vacuum Infusion, vacuum pump pressure


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    Perkantoran, industry, atau mall yang luas membutuhkan pengawasan ataupun konektivitas yang cepat dan efisien antar unit-unit. Sehingga muncul gagasan untuk membuat alat transportasi yang mudah di kendalikan yang dapat membantu kegiatan tersebut. Pada awalnya Segway adalah robot yang mengutamakan keseimbangan tetapi saat ini di kembangkan menjadi alat trasportasi yang membantu manusia sehari-hari. Dalam perancangan Segway mengunakan metode proportional integral derivative (PID) yang ditanamkan dalam sebuah mikrokontroler Arduino Nano. Sensor gyroaccelero digunakan untuk menjaga keseimbangan robot agar dapat dinaiki untuk keperluan pengawasan dan konektivitas antar unit. Parameter nilai yang dihasilkan Kp=20, nilai Ki = 0,1 dan  nilai Kd = 0,2 mampu mengendalikan keseimbangan robot Segway sehingga dapat berjalan sesuai dengan pergerakan sensor pada bidang yang datar. Kata Kunci: PID, Segway, Arduino Nano, Robo

    A simulation-based optimisation for the stochastic green capacitated p-median problem

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    Purpose: This paper aims to propose a new model called the stochastic green capacitated p-median problem with a simulation-based optimisation approach. An integer linear programming mathematical model is built considering the total emission produced by vehicles and the uncertain parameters including the travel cost for a vehicle to travel from a particular facility to a customer and the amount of CO2 emissions produced. We also develop a simulation-based optimisation algorithm for solving the problem. Design/methodology/approach: The authors proposed new algorithms to solve the problem. The proposed algorithm is a hybridisation of Monte Carlo simulation and a Variable Neighbourhood Search matheuristic. The proposed model and method are evaluated using instances that are available in the literature. Findings: Based on the results produced by the computational experiments, the developed approach can obtain interesting results. The obtained results display that the proposed method can solve the problems within a short computational time and the solutions produced have good quality (small deviations). Originality/value: To the best of our knowledge, there is no paper in the previous literature investigating the simulation-based optimisation for the stochastic green capacitated p-median problem. There are two main contributions in this paper. First, to build a new model for the capacitated p-median problem taking into account the environmental impact. Second, to design a simulation-based optimisation approach to solve the stochastic green capacitated p-median problem incorporating VNS-based matheuristic and Monte Carlo simulationPeer Reviewe

    Fasilitasi Bantuan Usaha Ekonomi Kreatif Kelompok Masyarakat Binaan Balai Taman Nasional Bunaken di Pulau Nain

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    Community empowerment through the development of the creative economy is an alternative for the community in developing their local potential. Economic crises have a serious impact on the future of the existence of the national park, namely the level of education of the people in and around the conservation area. Recognizing the above, Bunaken National Park Center distributes various kinds of assistance for empowering community economic enterprises through fostered groups in all areas of management at the site level (resort). Groups that have been assisted previously for a sufficient period will then be tested for feasibility and readiness in terms of receiving assistance. The implementation of facilitation activities and the provision of creative economic business assistance to the assisted village community groups on Nain Island is carried out on an ongoing basis. The method of implementing the activities is in the form of data collection and group assistance. The Sinar Bahari Nain group has indeed been facilitated in receiving assistance for capital stimulus for creative economy businesses. Assistance to community groups needs to be carried out routinely and attached after the provision of assistance and supervised in its use

    Javanese Character Recognition Based on K-Nearest Neighbor and Linear Binary Pattern Features

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    Javanese script (Hanacaraka) is one of the cultures owned by Indonesia. Javanese script is found in temples, inscriptions, cultural and prehistoric sites, ancient Javanese manuscripts, Gulden series banknotes, street signage, and palace documents. Javanese script has a form with an article, and the use of reading above the script is a factor that affects the character detection process. Punctuation marks, clothing, Swara script, vowels, and consonants are parts of the script that are often found in Javanetest scripts. Preserving Javanese script in the digital era, of course, must use technology that can support the digitization of Javanese script through the script detection process. The concept of script image is the image of Javanese script in ancient manuscripts. The process of character detection using certain techniques can be carried out to extract characters so that they can be read. Detection of Javanese characters can be found by finding a testing image. Here, we had been used 10 words images consisting of 3 to 5 syllables with the vowel aiu. Dataset process by Linear Binary Pattern (LBP) feature extraction, which is used to characterize images and describe image textures locally. LBP has been used in r=4 and preprocessing is also done by thresholding with d=0.3. This process can be done using the K-Nearest Neighbor algorithm. In 10 datasets of Javanese script words, an average accuracy value of 90.5% was obtained. The accuracy value of 100% is the highest and 50% is the lowest

    Improved Javanese script recognition using custom model of convolution neural network

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    Handwriting recognition in Javanese script is not widely developed with deep learning (DL). Previous DL and machine learning (ML) research is generally limited to basic characters (Carakan) only. This study proposes a deep learning model using a custom-built convolutional neural network to improve recognition accuracy performance and reduce computational costs. The main features of handwritten objects are textures, edges, lines, and shapes, so convolution layers are not designed in large numbers. This research maximizes optimization of other layers such as pooling, activation function, fully connected layer, optimizer, and parameter settings such as dropout and learning rate. There are eleven main layers used in the proposed custom convolutional neural network (CNN) model, namely four convolution layers+activation function, four pooling layers, two fully connected layers, and a softmax classifier. Based on the test results on the Javanese script handwritten image dataset with 120 classes consisting of 20 basic character classes and 100 compound character classes, the resulting accuracy is 97.29%

    Rancang Bangun Sistem Informasi Pengarsipan Data Pasien Klinik Cemara

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    Pengelolaan data pasien pada sebuah rumah sakit atau klinik menjadi hal yang penting demi lancarnya aktivitas di rumah sakit atau klinik tersebut. Penelitian ini memiliki tujuan merancang Sistem Informasi Pengarsipan Data Pasien pada Klinik Cemara. Perangkat lunak yang dirancang memiliki fitur penambahan data diri pasien baru, menyimpan data diri pasien, menghapus data pasien yang sudah lama tidak berobat, serta mengupdate data diri pasien, jika sewaktu mendaftar ada ketentuan yang belum terpenuhi. Analisis kebutuhan sistem menggunakan analisis berorientasi objek dengan menggunakan diagram use case untuk menggambarkan fungsionalitas sistem, dan diagram kelas untuk menggambarkan hubungan antar kelas. Setelah dilakukan implementasi dan evaluasi hasil penggunaan aplikasi dilakukan pengujian baik secara alpha maupun beta. Pengujian dilingkungan pengguna menggunakan empat parameter yakni kebermanfaatan aplikasi, kemudahan dipelajari, kemudahan penggunaan dan kepuasan pengguna. Hasil evaluasi menunjukan bahwa 80% pengguna setuju aplikasi bermanfaat, 80% setuju aplikasi mudah dipelajari, dan 80% pengguna puas terhadap aplikasi tersebut. Bahkan 100% pengguna setuju aplikasi mudah untuk digunakan. Hal tersebut mengindikasikan bahwa aplikasi ini bermanfaat dan membantu dalam proses pengarsipan data pasien di Klinik Cemara.   Kata kunci: Sistem Informasi, Arsip, Pasien, KlinikÂ


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    Negara-negara di dunia, khususnya Eropa, Jepang, Korea Selatan dan China, mulai beralih ke penggunaan energi terbarukan yaitu pelet kayu. Indonesia dengan iklim tropis, keanekaragaman jenis tanaman dan ketersediaan lahan untuk pengembangan sumber energi ini, berpeluang menjadi salah satu produsen utama pelet kayu, baik untuk memenuhi permintaan nasional atau internasional. Daerah Istimewa (DI) Yogyakarta merupakan salah satu provinsi di Indonesia yang memiliki hutan rakyat dan berpeluang untuk dikembangkan sebagai produsen pelet kayu. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh informasi awal tentang jenis tanaman kayu potensial di DI Yogyakarta. Pengambilan data dilakukan dengan studi pustaka dan survey kepada Kelompok Tani Hutan (KTH) di Kabupaten Bantul (22 KTH), Gunungkidul (15 KTH), Kulonprogo (15 KTH) dan Sleman (19 KTH). Cabang dan ranting kering merupakan sumber bahan bakar kayu utama bagi KTH di DI Yogyakarta, tanpa melihat jenis tanamannya. Jenis kaliandra (Calliandra calothyrsus) dan gamal (Gliricidia sp.) sebagai jenis potensial untuk pelet kayu ditanam sebagai sumber hijauan makanan ternak, sumber nektar untuk peternakan lebah madu dan untuk konservasi tanah. Kedua jenis ini ditanam sebagai tanaman tepi di pinggir lahan, diantara tanaman pertanian dan atau tanaman berkayu, bukan sebagai tanaman utama. Jumlah yang ditanam sangat variatif berkisar antara 0 - 2000 pohon kaliandra/ha dan 0 - 3000 pohon gamal/ha. Berdasarkan hasil tersebut diketahui bahwa jenis potensial untuk produksi pelet kayu, kaliandra dan gamal sudah ditanam di 4 kabupaten tersebut. Namun penanaman kedua jenis tersebut perlu dikembangkan agar dapat mendukung produksi pelet kayu

    E-Toll Information Technology In Gto And Hybrid In Toll Gate Menanggal-Surabaya

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    The increase in population and users of motorized vehicles is increasing in Indonesia. One of the increasing numbers of toll road users. The toll road payment system has varied. The problem is the use of a ticket system that can lead to congestion queues. The development of the current payment system is the use of the toll card system. The toll card cannot perfectly overcome congestion at the toll gate. On the Menanggal toll gate is the main entrance with 2 types of toll booths (GTO and Hybrid). It can be said that there are quite a lot of vehicles that run daily at the gate and not infrequently there is a long queue density during office hours and during work breaks. This study aims to compare GTO and Hybrid systems. The methodology used was using the Indonesian road capacity manual MKJI 1997. The conclusion of this study was that the rate of arrival that occurred on each shift was shift 1, the level of vehicles coming was 1083 pcs / hour, shift 2, 1308 pcs / hour. For Shift 3, 209 pcs / hour. Next is the number of vehicles that pass per second. In each second time, it is divided by 6 substations, 3 HYBRID substations and 3 automatic toll booths (GTO). But for shift 3 there is a difference because the substations that operate are only 4 substations, which consist of 1 HYBRID substation and 3 automatic toll booths (GTO). So it can be concluded that the capacity of the abandoning Menanggal is still safe. The difference in the efficiency of transaction time on GTO and HYBRID is 1; 1.5 of these results are obtained from the number of vehicles passing between the 2 types of substations. Keywords: e-toll, information technology, gto and hybri